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electrical impedance

Showing 1 - 25 of 4,873


Derived Parameters for Evaluating Fluid Accumulation

Not yet recruiting
  • Critically Ill
  • Bio-electrical Impedance Analysis
  • (no location specified)
Jul 26, 2023

Microendoscopic EI Sensing for Real-time Intraoperative Surgical

Not yet recruiting
  • Prostate Cancer
  • custom device to demonstrate a significant difference in electrical impedance signatures
  • (no location specified)
Sep 18, 2023

Electrical Impedance Tomography Monitoring of Regional

Not yet recruiting
  • Pediatric Anesthesia
  • +2 more
  • Electrical Impedance Tomography
  • Milano, Italy
    Vittore Buzzi Children's Hospital
Apr 24, 2023

Electrical Impedance Tomography to Computed Tomographic

Not yet recruiting
  • Pulmonary Embolism
  • Electrical impedance tomography
  • (no location specified)
Jan 31, 2023

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Trial in Brussel (Bio-electrical impedance analysis)

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Bio-electrical impedance analysis
  • Brussel, Brussels, Belgium
    UZ Brussel
Feb 15, 2023

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Acute Lung Injury Trial in Amiens (EIT monitoring)

Not yet recruiting
  • Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
  • Acute Lung Injury
  • EIT monitoring
  • Amiens, France
    CHU Amiens
Apr 25, 2023

to Assess the Corresponding PEEP Values in NIV With CPAP Under Different Airflow Rates During HFOT in Heart Failure Patients

Not yet recruiting
  • to Assess the Corresponding PEEP Values in NIV With CPAP Under Different Airflow Rates During HFOT in Heart Failure Patients
  • Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) or high-flow oxygen therapy (HFOT) using electrical impedance tomography (EIT)
  • (no location specified)
Oct 26, 2023

Optimal Positive End-expiratory Pressure in Newborn Infants

  • Positive End-expiratory Pressure (PEEP)
  • Electrical impedance tomography (EIT)
  • +2 more
  • Basel, Switzerland
    Department of Neonatology, University Children's Hospital Basel
Dec 19, 2022

Vagus Nerve Diseases, Epilepsy, Vagus Nerve Autonomic Disorder Trial (Nerve cuff electrodes for spatially selective vagus nerve

Not yet recruiting
  • Vagus Nerve Diseases
  • +2 more
  • Nerve cuff electrodes for spatially selective vagus nerve stimulation and electrical impedance tomography
  • (no location specified)
Dec 15, 2022

Severe ARDS Trial in Paris (Ultra-protective mechanical ventilation monitored by electrical impedance tomography)

Not yet recruiting
  • Severe ARDS
  • Ultra-protective mechanical ventilation monitored by electrical impedance tomography
  • Paris, France
    Service de médecine intensive - réanimation Hopital Pitié Salpêt
Feb 6, 2023

V/Q Matching in Pressure Support Ventilation

  • Acute Respiratory Failure
  • +2 more
  • Level of pressure support
  • Palermo, Italy
    Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico Paolo Giaccone. Un
Mar 24, 2023

Extubation Trial in Durham (ENLIGHT 2100 ventilatory electrical impedance tomograph)

  • Extubation
  • ENLIGHT 2100 ventilatory electrical impedance tomograph
  • Durham, North Carolina
    Duke University
Dec 15, 2022

Atelectasis or Pneumothorax and Resolution With Electrical

  • Atelectasis Neonatal
  • Pneumothorax and Air Leak
  • Detecting asymmetric lung disease like atelectasis or pneumothorax with electrical impedance tomography (EIT)
  • San Diego, California
    Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women & Newborns
Nov 18, 2022

Gynecologic Surgical Procedures, Urologic Surgical Procedures Trial in Brussels (Recruitment maneuver (RM), Reverse Trend (REV

Not yet recruiting
  • Gynecologic Surgical Procedures
  • Urologic Surgical Procedures
  • Recruitment maneuver (RM)
  • Reverse Trend (REV TREND)
  • Brussels, Anderlecht, Belgium
    HUB Hôpital Erasme
Feb 6, 2023

Predictors of Metabolic Syndrome in Obese Child

Not yet recruiting
  • Metabolic Disorders in Children
  • Waist-height ratio
  • +2 more
  • (no location specified)
Jan 9, 2023

Patients Undergoing Transurethral Prostate or Cystectomy Under Spinal Anesthesia Trial in Seoul (IR Camera, Electrical Impedance

  • Patients Undergoing Transurethral Prostate or Cystectomy Under Spinal Anesthesia
  • IR Camera
  • Electrical Impedance Tomography
  • Seoul, Korea, Republic of
    Yonsei University Health System, Severance Hospital
Oct 21, 2022

Blood Loss Trial in Kladno (Electrical impedance tomography measurement)

  • Blood Loss
  • Electrical impedance tomography measurement
  • Kladno, Czechia
  • +1 more
Aug 8, 2022

General Anesthesia Trial in Seoul (Exploration of optimal PEEP in supine and prone position)

  • General Anesthesia
  • Exploration of optimal PEEP in supine and prone position
  • Seoul, Korea, Republic of
    Hee-Soo Kim
Jan 18, 2023

Cancer of Esophagus Trial in Offenbach (impedance)

  • Cancer of Esophagus
  • impedance
  • Offenbach, Hessen, Germany
    Sana Clinic Offenbach
Jan 13, 2023

COPD Trial in Pessac (Electrical impedance tomography (EIT))

  • COPD
  • Electrical impedance tomography (EIT)
  • Pessac, France
    Hôpital Haut Lévêque, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Bordea
Jul 11, 2023

Electrical Impedance Tomography for Paediatric Respiratory

  • Acute Respiratory Failure
  • Electrical impedance tomography
  • Bron, Rhone, France
    Paediatric intensive care Unit
Jun 21, 2022

Improvement of ARDS Ventilation-perfusion Matching by Prone

Not yet recruiting
  • Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
  • +2 more
    • Beijing, Beijing, China
      Beijing Chao-Yang Hospital
    Mar 9, 2023

    ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome), Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT), Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) Trial

    • ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome)
    • +3 more
    • Ventilation strategy
    • Angers, France
      CHU Angers
    Jul 29, 2022

    Lung Collapse Trial (Bed tilting, Body positioning)

    • Lung Collapse
    • Bed tilting
    • Body positioning
    • Liberec, Czechia
      Regional Hospital Liberec
    Jan 2, 2023

    Electrical Impedance Tomography

    • Electrical Impedance Tomography
      • Osaka, Japan
        Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Osaka
      May 20, 2022